viernes, 2 de junio de 2017

ADF.LY What is It? How It Works? How To Join?

It was a Thursday night and I was left to meet with my friend Esteban who has as a profession Graphic Designer, to talk and share some beers at a Bar in the city called Rock Keller (No longer exists). Some hours later Esteban told me that he was shortening links and sharing them on the Internet and that he received a certain amount of money. I do not pay much attention to it at first. We continued the conversation and he told me that he was earning between USD $ 100 & USD $ 200 a month shortening links with, that surprised me and caught my eye !!! To which I asked him how he did, he explained to me very simply, that he had created an internet blog where he recommended and wrote about video games in his spare time. A few beers later we had to pay the bill and leave each one for his house. Continue Reading...

What is it? service is basically a shortening of links (URLs), which pays its affiliates a certain amount of money per link shortened visited by different people, it is very similar to the already recognized

How It Works? works as follows, the idea is that when you shorten (Shrink) link Example: you obtain something like this: ( business is advertising. Each shortened link must first pass through advertising five (5) seconds before the link redirect acortaste (Original), for that you must click on the yellow button "Skip Ad" at the top right of your screen (See 01). Once this is done start running your small gains, for it has pay rates where they explain how depending on the country they visit your links, the $$$ you get per thousand (1000) visits (See 02). Obviously visitors from countries like USA, UK, Canada & Australia have better pay, it's no wonder Why Latin America and countries such payments are small? The reason we already know is that advertising paid for these countries is minimal internet. Now, knowing this, it would be wiser to focus your links to an English-speaking audience (that's what we do), obviously without leaving aside the Latino community. You can also make some money with referral program; The referral program is simple, when you sign up you get a referral link (Referral Link), which you can share with your friends on the Internet if they register through this link, you will receive 20% of the profits they generate indefinitely (See 03). This same link serves you if you have traffic Webmaster; that is, if someone decides to announce through your link, you get a 5% commission of the total sale. Finally you can use in your Web Website Entry Script located in the Tools button in your account (See 04), this is a script that lets you earn money when a visitor simply enter in your website (Ejemplo), you can modify to your taste...

Where To Put Your Links Of ADF.LY? Well you can do on your Web Site, Blogs, Posts, Twitter, Facebook, Google +, share them via email (no spamming), in forums, in order and will depend largely on your creativity…

How To Join? The first thing to do is go to, once there you go to the register button (See 01), then you will have this form (on account type you put shortener links) (See 02), by filling out the form above and click on the register button, you will leave this screenshot (See 03), you have to do is go to your email and look for the following email(See 04) to open you a confirmation code (See 05) appears and a link that you must follow and enter the code above (See 06), immediately appear that your account has been confirmed (See 07). Now you can sign in just have to put your email and password (See 08). After logging into your account you will see this screen (See 09), is a notice telling you that you have not updated some information and need to be updated to make payments, you follow the link and take you to this form (See 10 ), in this step you must put details like address, phone and payment processor which is 3 PaypalPayoneer & Payza. ¡Affiliate Ready Already!

How To Withdraw Money Earned In How To Withdraw Money Earned In You need to be registered with one of these 3 payment systems (PaypalPayoneer & Payza) and have an active account to withdraw your money, no matter what you prefer. In this case we use PayPal as it is a well-known, friendly and easy-to-understand operation.For the money you earn in ADF.LY be sent to your PayPal account you must place in the ADF registration form, mail that you use on PayPal (See 01). ADF offers two ways to withdraw your money, The first is: Waiting for the period of automatic payment set for all publishers, for that you have at least $ 5 on your account, once the date is met will be effective (See 02). The second is: The daily payments, if you meet the minimum of $ 5 in your account long before you send the proceeds from the automatic, you can click on the "Request Payment (Request Payment)" button and forward your payment date this is done within 24 hours after request, we will display it. "Remember to meet a few simple requirements." (See 03).

1. Enter to:,
2. Log In To Our ADF Account.. 3. We go to the Top Button "Withdraw" from the Right and Click, we see that in this case, the Payment Processor is Paypal, then we go to the button "Account" of the Left and Click.
4. In Update Your Account, we go to the lower right tab "Payment Processor" and we change it to Payoneer, Then Let's the "Update Account" button, in this case we have previously used this processor. (If you do not have Payoneer account, you can create it here: Payoneer). 5. We return to the "Withdraw" button, in "Daily Payment Requirements", Note that there is a box with a red "X", wants to say that we do not meet the requirement, in this case we change from Paypal Payment Processor to Payoneer, Wait 72 Hours, To Require Payment (All Boxes Must Be Approved). 7. After 72 Hours, we enter our ADF Account and go to the "Withdraw" button, once there in "Daily Payment Requirements", we see how all the boxes are enabled to make the monthly payment as the daily. 8. We click on the "Request Payment" button, you can also "Cancel Payment" to make a little more money. 9. We check our mail and see an ADF Email that says: "We Have Sent You $ 22.11 to Your Payoneer Account". 10. We also receive an Email from Payoneer that informs us that ADF, has sent us $ 22.11, we must click on "Confirm", we will immediately get 2 Options:
A) Immediate Load: Choosing This Option Will Get Money to Our Payoneer Account in 2 Hours and They Will Charge $ 5 Commission.
B) Standard Load: Choosing This Option Will Get Money to Our Payoneer Account in 2 Days and They Will Charge $ 2 Commission.
11. We choose the option and click on the "LOAD" button.

ADF.LY APP: Now you can also track your account from your mobile device, with new application
To purchase the app is very simple you go to Play Store, in search write the following Apps will appear and choose the first (Ver 01), once you have chosen the first option to install the app (Ver 02), give the OK button (Ver 03), and the app installed, open it (Ver 04),you will be out this screenshot (Ver 05), to log into your account, you write your mail and your password Adf. The first thing you visualize the log is a window titled Summary, there can crop links and watch your income and visualizations periods of time (Ver 06), the left side of the overview window there is a menu, where you will find the following (Ver 07),in the "Connections" you will this (Ver 08), the "Statistics" option will show the following (Ver 09), the "Withdraw" option shows you the income you have available, the payment processor you use and also gives you the possibility of withdrawal directly from the app (Ver 10). In the "Messages" option you find all press releases issued by the support and news Adf (Ver 11). Finally there is the "Settings" option is where you set up your account, it is very basic (Ver 12 ).

1. Polas: Definition popularly used to refer to beer.
Note: The above definitions we take, according to the "jargon" "pidgin" or way of speaking of Manizales.

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